
Inspiration RX - Muse

Books are the quietest and most constant of friends;they are
the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers. 
~Charles W. Eliot



Good Morning Sunshine

Absolutely loving the sun flare captured when the early
morning sun was peeking through the trees. 


Mushroom, Fungus, Fungi

Today lil'p and I went exploring in a conservation area near our home. 
It must be the perfect conditions for fungi to grow, they were everywhere.
Some even looked like they had been nibbled on by little animals.

Of course lil'p and I decided that the fairies must have done their fungi summer harvest. 
That is so much more exciting than animals eating them! 



Edible Ruffles

Mushrooms are not very high on my list of favorite things to eat.  
However, these piles of Oyster mushrooms or edible ruffles as we were
calling them, might make me change my mind.

They are almost too pretty to eat!



Nature's Bling

This morning lil'p woke up really early.  To fill the extra hours we had this morning,
I took her for a breakfast picinic.  On our way home we noticed how the grass was sparkling.  
Moments like this are fleeting so we ran home and grabed the macro lens.  


I am so grateful for the chance to capture nature all dressed up in her diamonds.